A HACCP plan is finished product and process - specific which makes it hard to create a single HACCP template for small businesses.
Our HACCP plan template hub contains most of the important documents and forms needed for a food safety management system.
Being in a food and nutrition service business, composing a HACCP plan can be one of the most difficult tasks you'll have. For instance, some people quit their business idea after understanding what needs to be done. Usually, just a glance at your local authority's website will tell you that you need help to set up a proper HACCP plan for the assurance of food safety. At this point, a HACCP plan template would come in handy and will ensure your HACCP success.
We at FoodDocs have created a HACCP plan free template hub that contains more than 70 important documents that are most needed for your HACCP plan. We are adding new templates weekly, so feel free to use them! Improve your plan by clicking on the words and printing them out for your convenience. Our HACCP plan example pdf templates apply to any part of the food chain and are the most useful when setting up your HACCP plan. Download the template that you need the most.
HACCP plan templates on this page are here to help you. As a food business owner, you are not expected to be a specialist in all the necessary fields, especially in food safety. We know from our previous knowledge that composing your HACCP plan can be challenging because it needs a lot of background knowledge on food safety. We have put all our expert knowledge into our automated HACCP builder and brought out these templates to make the HACCP creation easier for you. Feel free to download the template and let us know if we have missed anything. Don't hesitate to try the HACCP builder 14-day free trial.
When composing your HACCP plan with the help of governmental instructions, it can turn into a real struggle. Governmental sites are usually long, complicated, and prepared by public officials who haven't worked a day in a food business. So these end up as lengthy, endless documents that are unclear for ordinary people.
As a result, food business owners spend weeks, and even months creating their HACCP plan. It's not an issue when you have plenty of time and your business is in your own home where you don't have any extra costs. Although it's a different story for a food company that is a proper business, like a production company, a bakery, a cafe, or a restaurant. You need to pay the rent from the first day you move in, and that's when the time becomes critical. Spending 4-5 weeks creating your compliance documents will cost you a lot.
At this point, food owners start to turn to HACCP consultants or HACCP builder software. The advantage of HACCP builder software is that business owners can create their HACCP plan in 1 hour and on their own, even during lunch.
A HACCP plan aims to help you control any potential biological, physical, and chemical hazards that can contaminate your food products and create unsafe food for your consumers. This document is a description of all food safety concerns and practices in your establishment. Every food facility, especially foodservice operations and production companies, requires its own HACCP plan. These plans can be very specific for each finished product or food production process that they need separate HACCP plans. So, you may end up making several HACCP plans.
The presence of the HACCP plan and its compliance with the law is audited by the health department at least once a year in the food chain. Here, it's important to keep in mind that the HACCP plan is not meant for your regulatory agency but for your own sake and for your customers. It is there to keep your food on a safe level. All actions that are included in your HACCP plan, i.e. food hazard identification, preventive measures, control measures, and record-keeping and documentation procedures are for the safety of the finished product.
A HACCP template for small businesses or manufacturing plants guides you and your team with the significant information that you need to provide in your HACCP food safety plan. It can become an effective training for building a comprehensive food safety management system. With a template, there is no need to blindly put information that will not add to the value of your plan. We provide you with that HACCP plan template that is fit for your food business.
It's not a pleasant thought, but imagine if something happens with any of your customers. The financial loss can be something that you as a business owner won't survive. It's always better to set up a strong HACCP system at the beginning of your business, with applicable regulations that are easy to follow. If your company employees understand why they have to comply with certain rules, they will be more willing to do so. As a result, the food is always safe to eat for your customers.
A HACCP team is an essential part of a food business that is responsible for composing and updating your food safety management system and takes control of food safety. The members of a HACCP team should have a strong sense of ownership and commitment to food safety because it is one of the most important things in the food industry businesses.
Your team should be well aware of all food handling practices related to your food processing plants. These practices must also include any potential food safety hazard and environmental contamination to preventing the loss of control and relevant continuous monitoring procedures. All members must also have good and accurate record-keeping skills to serve as tracking documents in case of deviations from processing method regulatory standards for future comprehensive verification reports.
Also, note that the food industry has one of the highest levels of employee mobility in terms of food operation. This means that the HACCP team has to consider the fact that food employees, who are responsible for food safety on a daily basis, have to be constantly trained. This task can be a real challenge if your team consists of tens or even hundreds of people. In this case, assign a person, who is responsible for training them and trying to find a solution or a tool how to help them.
Your HACCP team members can change at any time. It is important that you keep your company's HACCP plan up-to-date, make a copy of it, and even better if you have a digital food safety management together with a HACCP plan in place. Keeping a digital food safety plan optimizes the organization of your HACCP safety plan as well as your daily activity documentation. You never have to worry about any missing or misplaced documents when food safety auditors arrive.